The professional Ethics and Experience of MCS staff, from administrative, technical and top management, have been recognized by The Tanzania and Comoros Flag Administrations by authorizing the MCS Classification society to act as a Recognized Organization (RO) or Recognized Security Organization (RSO). These duties delegated by Tanzania and Comoros Administrations as we also had an
agreements with another classification societies to carryout and issue class and statutory on behalf of them under Panama, TOGO, BELIZE,
CAMBODIA, include the conduct of surveys and the issuance of certificates in accordance with various international and national maritime
Conventions and Codes, such as Load Line, Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), Tonnage, Marine Pollution (MARPOL), ISM Code and the
International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.
MCS Engineers and Field Surveyor, in conformance with the international and national regulations, can verify that the vessel is built and
provided with the necessary equipment and features required by the SOLAS, MARPOL, LOAD LINE, TONNAGE, ILO, ISM, ISPS
Conventions (amongst others). At the time of construction and throughout a vessel’s service life, based on a satisfactory review and
survey/audit of the vessel, certificates can be issued indicating compliance with the requirements of the applicable regulation. These
include, amongst others:
1. Int’l Tonnage Certificate
2. 2. Dangerous Good, DOC
3. Int’l Load Line Certificate
4. Solid Bulk Cargo, DOC
5. Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
6. Enhanced Survey Program
7. Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
8. Condition Assessment Scheme, DOC
9. Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate 10. Document of Compliance (ISM Code)
11. Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (Under 500)
12. Safety Management Certificate
13. Cargo Ship Radiotelephony Certificate (Under 300)
14. Int’l Ship/Port Facilities Security
15. Int’l Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
16. Ship security Plan Approval
17. SOPEP/PCSOPEP approval
18. Pleasure Yacht Certificate
19. Int’l Air Pollution Prevention Certificate
20. Fishing Vessel (Over 24 Meters)
21. Int’l Sewage Certificate
22. Caribbean Code Certificate
23. Int’l Antifouling Certificate
24. Crew Accommodation Certificate
25. Int’l Noxious Liquids Certificate
26. Cargo Gear Register & certificates
27. SMPEP approval
28. Garbage Pollution Prevention Certificate
29. Int’l Ballast Water Management Certificate
30. BWMP approval